Thursday, March 30, 2006

Hallowe'en in a Suburb

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Hallowe'en in a Suburb

HP Lovecraft

The steeples are white in the wild moonlight,
And the trees have a silver glare;
Past the chimneys high see the vampires fly,
And the harpies of upper air,
That flutter and laugh and stare.

For the village dead to the moon outspread
Never shone in the sunset's gleam,
But grew out of the deep that the dead years keep
Where the rivers of madness stream
Down the gulfs to a pit of dream.

A chill wind blows through the rows of sheaves
In the meadows that shimmer pale,
And comes to twine where the headstones shine
And the ghouls of the churchyard wail
For harvests that fly and fail.

Not a breath of the strange grey gods of change
That tore from the past its own
Can quicken this hour, when a spectral power
Spreads sleep o'er the cosmic throne,
And looses the vast unknown.

So here again stretch the vale and plain
That moons long-forgotten saw,
And the dead leap gay in the pallid ray,
Sprung out of the tomb's black maw
To shake all the world with awe.

And all that the morn shall greet forlorn,
The ugliness and the pest
Of rows where thick rise the stones and brick,
Shall some day be with the rest,
And brood with the shades unblest.

Then wild in the dark let the lemurs bark,
And the leprous spires ascend;
For new and old alike in the fold
Of horror and death are penned,
For the hounds of Time to rend.

Sweet Waters of Oblivion

A picture of you
Hidden and forgotten
Inside the dark caves and lost cloaks of sorrow
Of a closet in my room
Found by mistake
Two people and a child with a doll
Unstoppable tears fall
The picture returns to the gloom
Behind the unseen, but always felt sorrow
Of the closet in my room
None of us was aware of the approaching doom
A dreadful September
I chose not to remember
It’s like you’ve never been there
A stranger in my dreams
It’s so miserable and unfair
My lips have tasted the sweet waters of oblivion
Your dreams are drown to the fire
Of my sea-green eyes
I’ll never know your last desire
I tried to wake up, but how can the sun rise
When it’s already high
On the sky?
I’m not strong enough
To go out naked
And face the sun
I can’t open my eyes
And realize
That you are just a dream
And I’m already awake
You’re a mere illusion of my mind, so fake
That’s not how I’m supposed to remember you
But the pain of your memory
Exiles all the light of my existence
I’m not strong to face the reality
I can’t love a ghost
And you’re gone
I chose to forget
Not only that you left
But also that you were here once
Since I never had a chance to say goodbye
It seemed that you never left
Please forgive me
It tears my heart to millions of damaged pieces
The sunlight burns my soul
It seems that the truth I’ll always deny
You left without a goodbye
And I love you too much to remember
That tragic September

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

La gota que se escapa de mi ojo fruncirá este odio desde el silencio buscando ese respiro ultimo, de un amoniaco eterno, siento una angustia desesperante es un regalo envuelto en normas, sociales, cada insípido murmullo de un montón de mentiras flota en carne putrefacta , en ese interior tan marchito, sobre el hedor, común, juntos se emplazan a huelga unos órganos humanos con la calma que arroje mi alma , al purgatorio esos ataúdes aguardando unas flores sin vida tantos gusanos, aves carroñeras esperando un cuerpo frió; mi mirada es nublada, carente de cualquier expresión....
Confundiendo tus colmillos con metales frunces ahora ser maldito, mis identidades al dolor provocado, cada vez en que renazco del excremento en suaves primaveras, al soslayo de un verano lo cambio por una búsqueda de imágenes donde hieren los ecos que retornan lentamente dejando, algunos lamentos en cartas, en poemas, que navegan sin así quererlo ese liquido aberrante, que esta acabando con el oxigeno del asfalto, del piso nauseabundo inerte, sin latidos, catador de mis desilusiones...
Abriendo los párpados para despertar de la muerte intoxicándome con somníferos solo así puedo saber que existe la luz, entonces cuando volveré a sentir mi cuerpo con el calor espiritual de la vida como concebiré las neuronas inertes en grados de pensamientos, si ni siquiera puedo hacer de la respiración una mezcolanza de contaminantes .....

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Life...

All that lives of legendry,
Beauty, magic, mystery,
Gentleness and purity,
Dwells in me.

I no mate, no kin, have known,
None may claim me as his own;
One is one, and all alone,
It must be.

Through their weariness and woe
Men have sometimes seen me go,
Felt a wind from Eden blow
Though they hunt with spear and horn,
Knowing life cannot be borne
If they have no unicorn--
I am free.

Though they kill, and weep to see
Beauty's symbol ended be--
One is one and lives in me
To eternity.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Spirits of the Dead

Edgar Allan Poe

Thy soul shall find itself alone
'Mid dark thoughts of the grey tomb-stone;
Not one, of all the crowd, to pry
Into thine hour of secrecy.

Be silent in that solitude,
Which is not loneliness- for then
The spirits of the dead, who stood
In life before thee, are again
In death around thee, and their will
Shall overshadow thee; be still.

The night, though clear, shall frown,
And the stars shall not look down
From their high thrones in the Heaven
With light like hope to mortals given,
But their red orbs, without beam,
To thy weariness shall seem
As a burning and a fever
Which would cling to thee for ever.

Now are thoughts thou shalt not banish,
Now are visions ne'er to vanish;
From thy spirit shall they pass
No more, like dew-drop from the grass.

The breeze, the breath of God, is still,
And the mist upon the hill
Shadowy, shadowy, yet unbroken,
Is a symbol and a token.
How it hangs upon the trees,
A mystery of mysteries!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

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Lewis Carroll

Boat, beneath a sunny sky
Lingering onward dreamily
In an evening of July--

Children three that nestle near,
Eager eye and willing ear,
Pleased a simple tale to hear--

Long has paled that sunny sky;
Echoes fade and memories die;
Autumn frosts have slain July.

Still she haunts me, phantomwise,
Alice moving under skies
Never seen by waking eyes.

Children yet, the tale to hear,
Eager eye and willing ear,
Lovingly shall nestle near.

In a Wonderland they lie,
Dreaming as the days go by,
Dreaming as the summers die;

Ever drifting down the stream--
Lingering in the golden gleam--
Life, what is it but a dream?

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The Moon

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The thirteen pagan moons

January Snow moon
February Death moon
March Awakening moon
April Grass moon
May Planting moon
June Rose moon
July Lighting moon
July/August First fruits moon
August/September Harvest moon
September/October Hunter or Blood moon
October/November Tree moon
November/December Long night moon
December/January Ice moon

Raven Wings

Obscure beauty, immortal might
Her heart black as night
She’s the night seductress
Raven wings fly her
Upon the darkest night
Exiled from the sky
Fallen from grace
And left to die
Blood falling down her face
Her lips have tasted the crimson wine of immortality
Her wings of melancholy are burned to dust
An endless hunt and immortal lust
Haunted by the light

A young man passes by, dressed in white
The moon noiselessly grasps for breath
A tale of lust, pain and death
Drunken whispers of desire
Silken touch, frozen fire
Weeping silence caressing his dark hair
Pain and ecstasy embrace
Screams lost in the shadows
Innocence crashed beneath her darken eyes
Her desire, his death
His blood, her salvation

The moon suffocated dies

And as the sun slowly appears
For one more time
In your dreams she disappears

Saturday, March 18, 2006

...The Lord of All Dark Lords......
The One Who Has Dreamed for
Years Uncounted of Regaining its Form
......Darker than the Blackest Pitch
......Deeper than the Deepest Night
......One Who Shines Like Gold Upon the Sea of Chaos
......The Sea of Chaos......
The Source of All Chaos...

So that it dies, and yields up its life with its blood.
But this, too, happens for its good: For from its blood it wins immortal life, And then death has no more power over it. Its blood is the most precious Medicine upon earth, The same has not its like in the world.
For this blood drives away all disease
In the bodies of metals, Of men, and of beasts.
From it the Sages derive their science,
And through it they attain the Heavenly Gift...

Friday, March 17, 2006

Caminando por las obscuras calles,
acobijado por un cielo gris
Veo como todo se desaparece por los aires
Los aires frios de la muerte

Al poner mi vista enfrente
Veo a la gente de alegía sollosar
Y de sus cantos yo los eh de embidiar,
Ya que mi alma hiede a muerte

Tratando de sobrevivir en este mundo,
Vagando voy como lo hacia en inframundo,
Pues en ningún lugar he estado tan fuerte
Y tan vulnerable sin la preciada muerte.

Mi alma esta completamente vacia
Ya que mi cuerpo ah muerto
Y ahora vago sin rumbo en el desierto
Nunca eh estado en el cielo
y al infierno eh vuelto

La muerte se ha llevado mis humildes pensamientos
Con todo mi cuerpo y mis sentimientos
Ahora solo soy una sombra desterrada
que por la muerte se siente desesperada

Siempre eh querido saber
que se siente fallecer
en la espada de otro ser
sin poder gritar ni correr

La muerte demasiado lejos se encuentra,
Pues mi condena en este mundo a de ser eterna,
Provocando muerte, estrucción y desesperanza,
Maldición mía que así lo indica.

Ocultándome he estado por siglos,
Tratando de romper con este interminable ciclo,
Viendo a mis descendientes morir,
Mientras yo me lamento cansado de sufrir

La soledad me sigue ahora en esta caída,
Sin poder saber si moriré algún día,
Mientras tanto el presente me atormenta,
Haciéndome ver mi imagen muerta.

The Dark Angel

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Lord Death

Death is my Lord
All I have
To him I give
In his black garden,
Far below the bright sky,
I live.
I paint roses black.
Whoever comes in here
Can never go back.

My trust I put in him.
Cold touch, eyes dim
Death shall lead me
He’s my lover
He is my lord
My future and my fate
I can’t be saved - it’s too late
The light is spent

I never believed in hope
I don’t believe in love
I am the dark one
Bound by reality
By death awaken
To a forsaken kingdom forcibly taken
And crowned as queen
Of a land that living eyes have never seen

There’s no black rose garden
There’s no moon in the sky
What is left to say
What is left to feel
All is born to die

Embrace the darkness
That forsaken falls above thee
Nothing else to say, nothing else to see
Words are worthless
Tears are useless
Death rules all
All he touches fall
Hear the night’s call
And surrender to the dark ones.
There is no light left in this bleeding world
Humanity is taking its last breath.
There’s no salvation, only death.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

We are free to fly at night, where there is no sun to melt the wings of Icarus, to blind our sensitive eyes and fill our souls with the brilliant glare that only those who have died, who are going to Heaven, should rightfully see.
Though we are vampires, I have nothing against the idea of Heaven, personally. However, I have never found much that is sublime in the loud din of light, even before receiving the Dark Gift which opened my eyes and heart to who I truly am.
I have seen too much darkness hidden by the light. The insincere smile might be missed if one admires her shade of lipstick instead. The fact that he doesn't meet your stare might be overlooked if his countenance is handsome, and the color of those turned-away eyes are like blue ocean. The ocean conceals both dolphins and sharks, native intelligence and teeth that bite -- bite with far greater ferocity than I've seen before -- including my kindred.
Some say shadows hide evil and light does not. I say I can gaze into the shadows as long as I want, not going blind, and what happens to exist there becomes clear to me, be it "good" or "evil".
Thus Evangeline and I fly amongst stars, sometimes being blessed with the silver perfection of the complete moon. Other times, a silver scythe hangs there, as if waiting to cut down the celestial crop of the heavens. It never does, however: the stars can see it, which they could not in the full glare of day, when the white light would blend with the heavenly weapon and conceal it until it is too late. . .
Remember, we always see the red eyes of the foe after dark.

The World of Silence, the World of Shadows....The World of Darkness

En la eterna obscuridad,
Viven almas llenas de odio y de maldad,
mentes insepidas y almas desgarradas,
bien venidos a mi blog....

Este mundo fue creado solo para los mortales,
Sin tener espacio para los inmortales,
Guardándoles rencor y castigándolos,
Por largos tiempos sin poder partir dejarlos....

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

In the Shades...

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"Mientras la oscura noche se acerca,
Las punzadas de mi pasado abren heridas profundas,
Al tiempo que mi futuro derrama sangre,
Y mi pasado cambia para ser un tiempo negro...."

En mi inmunda cueva, sentado en el rincón de mi cama...
solo pienso, ¿Acaso vale la pena Vivir?
¿Sufrir tanto sin ganar algo a cambio?
¿Perecer y no descanzar en paz?...
Cada ser que vive, que camina y respira,
no importa que tan envenenado este....
tiene una razón para vivir, sin importar
cual sea esa dicha razón, tenemos un merito en la vida,
si es el de sufrir,
valdra la pena fallecer por una causa,
de algo que uno se sentira consolado y estáran orgullosos
aquellos angeles que intentaron guiarte y fracasarón....