Tuesday, October 31, 2006

A dream born once, now bound to die
From dust only flowers bloom
Life's so fragile
Chokes on stardust
Consumes the rising moon's light
And fades singing of fire
In the timeless halls of the night

Cold and silent, a dazzling airy dream;
Faded hues of white paint set the sky agleam
Winter nights neverending

Translucent beauty
Shadows white
Peaceful, magical
Sweet and bright
Lonely, innocent Luna
Sometimes laughing
Sometimes looking incomplete and pale
Behind the night's dark veil
Like a faded white rose
Luna, my sister, now come close
Sing to me, tonight
Fill my heart with magical light
And in the night deep
Protect me
While I sleep

Esta calido y nublosa noche donde los ancestros
descansan empaz, disfrutenlo, jeje
Feliz dia de brujas!!


J. F. Santoyo said...

La muerte... y más en estas fechas... recordándonos que la vida es corta yhay que disfrutarla.

Saludos y felices fiestas caballero!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hace ya bastante que no entraba aqui..muy buenos escritos......