Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Night in Dementia


I turn to face the setting sun,
It burns into my eyes
And awakens every sorrow's breath
To yield my soul's demise.
I sink into an ageless mire
Of scorn, and hate, and lust;
I soon pass into nothingness
And dance freely 'mongst the dust
Of countless eras passed away
That share my mindless gloom,
Each one's evil intentions
Concealed beneath perfume.
Behind a glass, night summons me
To dance with visions gold;
Each one a promise of my fate
But misfortunes untold.
But I, awakened by my sight,
Must beckon night to flee;
As I return to nothingness
And slowly cease to see.

Lo saque de internet, no encontre autor, pero me agrado...

1 comment:

J. F. Santoyo said...

Nothingness. Vaya concepto...soñador este escrito, eso es indudable... pero bueno, a veces hay que dejar nuestros castillos en el aire para enfrenta rla realdiad y, xq no?? construir los castillos conpiedra caliza...que va a ser largo y doloroso?? indudablemente, pero al final valdrá la pena. So gawth by the way... Saludos!!!!!